Don't Cut Off the Leg Because You Need Red Paint! debuted at the Yukon Arts Centre Gallery in 2007.  It was also shown at the Campbell River Public Art Gallery.

artist's statement:

"Don't Cut Off the Leg Because You Need Red Paint" Narrative cityscapes depicting theatrical space travellers discovering the unnatural wonders of the world!

A new series of paintings by Powell River artist Meghan Hildebrand.

"Don't Cut Off the Leg Because You Need Red Paint!" is a joke and a warning.  While it has the ring of a 70's board-game title, it warns us to consider our options before we take the drastic step of crippling the future for an immediate need.  It could easily be a reference to oil consumption, the clearing of forests, or the extinction of a species.

These paintings are visual conversations about the active choices that make up the urbanized environment, whether for good or ill.  Travelers marvel at the scale of our epic constructions and ruins from a board-game roller coaster, riding their trolleys from one landscape to the next.

How would you like your town to be remembered?

Meghan invites you to have fun exploring the unnatural wonders of the world!