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This series was shown in Oaxaca City at Ishuakara Casa Estudio and was officially my first international solo show! 

(Spanish translation follows)

STORY-MAPS by Meghan Hildebrand

These last two weeks have been spent absorbing this fascinating city and creating this series of paintings.  I've looked for shapes that tell stories and used them to create mythical story-maps that represent my experience of the places, sounds and stories of Oaxaca.

Many thanks to Armando and Emma at Ishuakara, Felix & Nancy at Cafe Enjoi, and all the people who have welcomed us in Oaxaca City.  Thanks to you for being here.


MAPAS Y CUENTOS by Meghan Hildebrand

Estas últimas dos semanas he absorbido facinante ciudad y creando esta serie de pinturas.  He buscando formas que cuenten historias y las he utilizado para crear mapas y cuentos míticos que representen mi experiencia en estos lugares, sonidos e historias de Oaxaca.

Muchas gracias a Armando y Emma de Ishuakara, Felic y Nancy y Cafe Enjoi, y a toda le gente que nos ha dado la bienvenida en la Cuidad de Oaxaca.  Gracias por estar ahi.